Wild South - Flathead 280g

$36.79 each


Flathead, so named for their (very) flatheads, are (like all bass strait to plate fishes) wild caught, mainly by trawl on the continental shelf (in our case the bit that juts into the Bass Strait). Southern Ocean Deep Sea flat head are endemic to Australia. Meaning if you see a deep sea flat head that is not product of Australia, it’s probably not flathead. Flathead has a low oil content which results in fine, flaked flesh. Low oil content also means it is a very ‘non fishy’ tasting fish. Or as the chef people might like to say “a delicate fish”. Flathead is so fabulous that you can pretty much cook any fish meal you like with it. However, it is a firm favourite in the battered, crumbed and grilled chef options because of that delicate flesh. That means that baking it is not a great option (you may dry it out) and whacking it in a curry may do it a disservice. If you are aspiring to the next season of master chef, or have already won season 2 – knock your socks off and do what you like with it – you’ll love it!

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